Sunday, June 15, 2008

Anybody want some Scala?

Since I've added the Leica M4-2 to my collection, I've been trying to dig up some film I've kept around even after I switched to digital. I've got rolls of Kodak Technical Pan, AGFAChrome 1000 RS and AGFA Scala among other things.

So I dropped a roll of Scala in and started shooting. I had somehow forgotten that Scala required special processing and was not your standard E-6 slide film. After doing a little research on the internets, I discovered that not only had a lot of labs stopped processing Scala films, AGFA had gone bankrupt! Gah!!! Yes, I've been living under a rock. So far I've found that there's pretty much only a couple of companies that process Scala film -- Main Photo in Santa Ana, CA and dr5-chrome labs in Denver, CO.

I'm contemplating shooting the rest of the Scala roll off and then dropping in another roll of B&W negative film but I'm still thinking about just ditching the rest of the roll of Scala and moving on.