Friday, August 10, 2007

.Mac Web Galleries

I just picked up iLife '08 which includes iPhoto '08. The big addition to iPhoto and .Mac is the concept of Web Galleries. Web Galleries is the .Mac version of Flickr and PicasaWeb.

Yes, iLife '06 gave you the ability to publish web pages which you could turn into your own photo album web pages, but the .Mac Web Galleries is more...MUCH more than just web pages.

.Mac Web Galleries has an interface that is closer to iPhoto and iTunes except it's all done on the web with no fancy Flash plugins as it's all done with Web 2.0 technologies and Ajax.

I put up my own web gallery as an example of what the new web galleries can do. The color photo I uploaded from my iPhone and it showed up in the web gallery faster than I could say "refresh". The thumbnail slider control allows you to set the thumbnails smaller or larger. The Carousel viewing mode does a very good impression of iTunes CoverFlow browsing mode.

All in all, .Mac Web Galleries is a very good, and well-deserved, upgrade to .Mac, though it's too bad you need iPhoto '08 to activate the web galleries.

Also part of the .Mac upgrade is that user space has increased from a base of 1GB to 10GB. The data transfer limit has also increased to 100GB to a month.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Acquisition Mode, part 2.

Something I forgot to mention in the previous "Acquisition Mode" post...I'm also looking for a split-image, microprism screen for the RB67. Right now, I'm just focusing by sight through the viewfinder.

I did end up buying the 6x8 power winder from Cheaper than eBay and it should be pretty good as it was listed as "excellent" condition-wise.

iPhone EXIF Info and .Mac Web Galleries

I found out that the iPhone aperture setting is fixed at f/2.8 based on the EXIF info from pictures I uploaded to Flickr.

Apple just updated some of their .Mac account features today (FINALLY). They've introduced Web Galleries which I guess is competitor to Flickr and PicasaWeb. Given that most people will opt to publish to one of those two services, it makes sense for Apple to give their customers the ability to do the same with their .Mac account. It's still hard to part with almost $100/year for such a service...granted, you can also upload video and you get a .Mac mail account and webpage publishing and the ability to host your blog...but their are enough free services that allow you to do those. The only thing Apple has going for it is that it's you only need to direct friends and family to one place and not a desperate collection of places if they want to see photos or read blogs or what-not.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Acquisition Mode Again

I'm trying to get my Mamiya RB67 (Pro-S) a little less manual and a little more automatic.

First on my list is the 6x8 power winder back. It's compatible with the RB67 Pro-S and any newer versions and it shoots in a 6x8 format that is closer to an 8x10 enlargement or the dimensions of your average magazine cover. There aren't that many cameras that can shoot 6x8, actually I know of only one - the Fuji GX680 which is probably the most awesome medium format camera I've never had the pleasure of using but I love so much because of what it's capable of. The second reason I'd like to have this back is that winding and cocking the shutter are two separate actions on the RB67 and I'd like to reduce it to one action.

Second on my list is a metered finder, preferably the Cds finder which has a TTL meter. I currently have a prism finder but I would love the convenience of a built-in meter instead of having to carry a handheld light meter.

I'm also considering a bracket for the camera so that the entire kit would be easier to hold in general.

So far I've found what I'm looking for on and eBay so I'm thinking within the next couple of months I'll get to where I want to go with my RB67 kit.