Saturday, March 29, 2008

Aperture 2.0

Picked the upgrade for Aperture - Aperture 2.0 at the affordable upgrade price of $99. I think they simplified the interface a lot more, but all the essential elements and interface panels are where they are not to completely confuse everyone.

The most significant feature is that Aperture now has a plug-in architecture. While Aperture 1.x allowed 3rd party export tools, Aperture 2.0 has a full plug-in architecture that allows 3rd party developers to add plug-in tools, not unlike those found in Photoshop. This release finally fills in a gap that Adobe Lightroom had over Aperture as it had supported plug-ins since the summer of 2007.

As part of Aperture 2, Apple includes a Dodge & Burn plug-in that is self-explanatory. Also announced was that Nik Software that is prominent as a Photoshop plug-in will be releasing Viveza for Aperture. Also announced was that Noise Ninja will be released for Aperture in the coming months.

This is going to be an exciting for Aperture as not having plug-ins was a large reason why Photoshop was still being used by most photographers with digital workflows.

The only thing lacking that I find is that Aperture does not allow export web galleries as Flash movies. It's still using HTML-based galleries which I find is totally 1998. Lightroom has this option so I don't see why Aperture does not support it either since most photographer websites are Flash-based.

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