Friday, June 24, 2011

Follow-up on the RB67 --> RB68

Back in a previous post, I was lamenting that there was so much to do to turn my 6x7-shooting Mamiya RB67 into a 6x8-shooter.

I had gotten the light baffle but couldn't find a proper 6x8 rotating adapter. At that time in 2007, I had already bought the 6x8 film back and just needed the camera parts to complete the transformation.

The light baffle I already had was not the same as the 6x8 baffle I purchased from the MAC Group. It did in fact have a slightly bigger opening.

I put the project on hold for awhile. "Awhile" meaning roughly 3 years.

I finally had the funds to return to the project and found a 6x8 rotating adapter for the RB. I got it from my favorite used camera seller,

The final step was to get the light baffle installed. The folks at the MAC Group suggested I take it to a camera repair shop to get the light baffle replaced, but that was not going to be a cheap proposition. I decided to give it a go myself...I just needed to get a proper set of tiny screwdrivers that could handle the torque of loosening and tightening these tiny eyeglass screws. They were in there pretty good but the replacement process was fairly quick and painless.

With the light baffle replaced, the new (to me) 6x8 rotating adapter replacing my 6x7 adapter, the 6x8 film back popped into place and voilĂ !! I had an RB68! I'm still putting a roll of film through it but I'm fairly eager to see how everything worked out.

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