Friday, January 05, 2007

Rediscovering old stuff

I'm in the process of unloading my Powerbook G4 since I've replaced it with a MacBook Pro. I thought about using eBay but I'm not fond of paying the fees to sell my wares. So I thought about using craigslist.

I haven't been to craigslist in awhile and I was brought back to thinking about how cool the web was way back when and how it was just a community. It's still a community but there's certainly a lot less hand-holding as we all dove into the new frontier. But the simplicity of craigslist reminded me that the web is still all about the content (stupid!).

Anyway, I found someone who would be willing to trade their Mac Mini Intel Core 2 Duo for a Powerbook. Yes way! I really couldn't pass that offer up, so I e-mailed the person to see if they'd be willing to accept a slightly dented Powerbook.

By the way, I still can't stop raving about the MBPs. Just the MagSafe adapter (which I've already tested by accidentally getting the adapter cord tangled around my foot and my foot cleanly kicking the adapter free. on my powerbook this would have caused further damage to my already bent power adapter tip). And you just can't not love the built-in iSight camera.

I'll stop gushing.

Oh yes, flat files are stupid. Just had to get that out of my system.

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