Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Okay so I've offended some...

...but that doesn't mean that I'm not entitled to an opinion. That's the power of free speech. When I'm wrong about facts, I'll admit to it. When my opinion has changed based on new facts, I'll correct myself. So here goes...

So I was contacted by the photographer about my posting about their website and some comments and observations I made during a photo shoot. I'm going to try to make amends here and posting any corrections to facts on the original post as well.

  1. The sitting fee for the photo session was actually $25, plus a travel fee of $50, plus some other payment that was made that no one has information on. So that being said, $25 is not a bad sitting fee. I say that because $15 at Sears Portrait Studio will get you photos, but those are cookie cutter photos, and not necessarily anything avant-garde nor extremely creative.

  2. The photograph of the tree that I went on and on about was not her choice. Personally I would have mixed emotions about posting that photo, but given that the photographer's website is not secured by client, they really didn't have a choice but to post it.

  3. The photographer would like a better camera (wouldn't we all like a better camera?).

  4. I'll re-state that I'm a camera snob, but I'm also a camera aficionado, so that's where most of my opinion about cameras and how they themselves can project an image about a person comes from. I could write an entire thesis about it, but the photographer disagrees with me about this point, which they are more than entitled to. I'll also say that her argument about the camera not being indicative of the person behind it is true in practice - the photographer that I assisted for many years ago used a manual focus Nikon in addition to a medium format camera. But shooting a wedding with a manual focus camera was a little strange to me given that auto-focus SLRs are so pervasive. But he was a good photographer and he knew how to handle his gear and how to manage their limitations.

After my last post, the photographer was dismayed (understatement) that I took my complaints public without talking to her first. First off, my complaints were observations and my opinion based on my experience and my own bias. Take those for what you will. Secondly, I'm not a disgruntled client, but I do admit I should have taken my concerns to the photographer first. That's my mistake and I take responsibility for that. Be that as it may, I'm not the one who commissioned the photos so I don't know if I had the right to make contact nor speak for anyone else. My opinion was solely my opinion and not of anyone else's. There's the disclaimer.

In hindsight, my critique was heavy-handed in a very Simon Cowell way. I didn't need to tear someone down to get my point across, so for that I apologize to the photographer. They have started their own business, gotten some favorable reviews and happy clients from their work so the photographer should be proud of that. I'm not going to take that away from them. I will also say that she was very professional throughout. She took the initiative to make sure the family members were satisfied coming away from this.

That being said, my opinion on all other things in the post stand as they are. And those are just that - opinions. If you don't like them, you can rebutt and try to change my mind based on facts, but you can't take my opinions away from me either. You're free to make your own opinions known here as well...anything juvenile or irrational will be ignored.

So, that's it about that matter.

As for me, I'm still contemplating about what I want to do with photography. I enjoy's what gives me joy, but to make it my job might make me enjoy it that's what I'm grappling with now. Maybe I'm just chicken-sh!t. I did learn that my friend Michelle and her husband are planning a business shooting weddings as a business on the side. Good for them!

I hope everyone mentioned in this post continues to be successful, I don't wish anyone ill will...Can't we all just get along? Maybe we can when I'm having a better day.

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